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26/07/2024 : Poster Making / Artwork Competition on 31.07.24

26/07/2024 : Merit List of Hostel -2nd Selection -Boys-Commerce

26/07/2024 : Merit List of Hostel -2nd Selection -Boys-Physical Science

26/07/2024 : Merit List of Hostel -2nd Selection -Boys-Biological Science

26/07/2024 : Observation of World Scouting Sunrise Day and World Scarf Day on 01.08.2024

26/07/2024 : Merit List of Hostel -2nd Selection -Boys-Arts

More Notice


28/06/2024 : Tender call notice (equipment) MRI PRROJECT

16/03/2024 : Quotation Call Notice for Printing of Students Identity Card, 2023-24

16/03/2024 : Quotation Call Notice for Printing of College Callendar 2023-24

07/02/2024 : Expression Of Interest (EOI)


06/11/2023 : Tender call notice regarding lease of mango orchad inside college campus

More Tender

About Us

We are one of the Oldest Educational Institution in North-Odisha. Situated at Mayurbhanj, the largest tribal District of Odisha.

We focus on Quality teaching with experienced Faculty members and other Staffs. It is well-known from the History that the ancient Maharaja of Mayurbhanj were very well-literaturised and always busy in all-around development of the State and its people. They have constructed number of Educational Institutions for the Educational Development of the people of Mayurbhanj.

Maharaja Purna Chandra Bhanj Deo, in whose loving memory, this college is named and built by His son Maharaja Pratap Chandra Bhanj Deo, was a great patron of literature and culture. Maharaja Pratap Chandra formed this college in 1948 at the MKC High School and then due to non-availabilty of space and increase in students, the college was shifted to the Palace of Maharaja. The college was shifted to its own building at Takhatpur in the year of 2001 and started functioning there till date.

The destruction of evil joined to an ardent promise and. preservation of life, is symbolically represented by the two peacocks that also indicate the name of the soil, Mayurbhanj.

The growing plant in the pot represents the tree of life which increasingly grows till the human potential is unfolded and achieved. The snake, as an embodiment of evil, poses a terrifying menace to that growth potential. The peacocks tearing at the vicious snake with their vigorous beaks ensure the spontaneous growth of the sapling towards the fountain of light above, connecting infinite knowledge and wisdom.